Bespoke wall art

We have selected a choice of frames to compliment the style of our images, in a clean and modern style with just a hint of glamour! Whether you are showcasing a single image or creating a collection these frames are timeless. They are designed to present the print for maximum impact, and to show off the quality of the print, which are prepared on high quality fine art paper. There are a selection of styles and colours of frames to choose from as well as a range of sizes.

Our fine art prints are printed on heavyweight textured paper made in Germany and are tested to last without fading. Seeing framed art work on a wall has a quality that a computer screen nor a tablet can match. 

All of our prices include a beautiful print, a custom cut mount and a specially crafted frame. Please note the frame size will be significantly larger than the print size. For example a 6" x 4" print fully framed will measure approximately 12.5" x 10.5". See the reference pictures below.

"Dunnottar" frame with mounted fine art print
from £115.00

*Note: for Christmas delivery frames must be ordered before midday on 13th December. Please note: we can ship these to UK addresses only.

 Dunnottar are elegant wooden frames with a wider bevelled edge, available in black or white.

Frame sizes shown are the size of the glass in the frame: the outer edge of the frame will be larger, depending on frame thickness.

Frame Size:
Frame Colour:
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"Braemar" frame with mounted fine art print

*Note: for Christmas delivery frames must be ordered before midday on 13th December. Please note: we can ship these to UK addresses only.

The Braemar range is a contemporary wooden frame perfect for showing multiple artworks in a gallery wall style or including a collection of images in one frame.

Frame sizes shown are the size of the glass in the frame: the outer edge of the frame will be larger, depending on frame thickness.

Frame Size:
Frame Colour:
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"Culzean" frame with mounted fine art print
from £115.00

*Note: for Christmas delivery frames must be ordered before midday on 13th December. Please note: we can ship these to UK addresses only.

The Culzean offers a beautiful two tone scoop wooden frame with a distressed surface and a vintage feel to add an individual touch to any space.

Frame sizes shown are the size of the glass in the frame: the outer edge of the frame will be larger, depending on frame thickness.

Frame Size:
Frame Colour:
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